Monthly Archives: September 2012

Can someone please go tell Janet to have a seat, in fact, have a few!

Can someone please go tell Janet to have a seat, in fact, have a few!.


Cyber gangsters: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my words are FIYA!!!!!!! Where’s my Jiffy pop?

Cyber gangsters: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my words are FIYA!!!!!!! Where’s my Jiffy pop?.


The misadventures of a newly single gal

The past few days have felt like something strangely reminiscent of one of Tim Burton’s machinations, or that botched ref call from Monday night’s football game…yeah, it’s made it onto my blog too. hahahahaha…remind me to one day tell you about my dream about Russell Brand and a dog.

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The devolution of civilization one cellphone evolution at a time

September 21, 2012 8:00 am….

Sounds like a date that should be written in the annals of history doesn’t it?! It has a nice round resonance to it, the flow and elocution roll off the tongue quite well, so well that it would give a linguist chills. To many, this is just a date, a series of numbers and letters– words that don’t differ from all the other 364 that came before, and will come after like some death march. However to some, this date might as well be another addition to the holy sonnets from the church of Apple, something I’m sure John Donne would revel in.

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All Hip Hop and no love…

For the denigration of African American women.

Well well well VH1’s done it again, it has managed to corner the market of black exploitation, wrapped up nice and tight like a weave for the hungry masses of people to gobble up, and gorge upon happily. I’m referring to the face palm worthy behavior of the “ladies” of the network’s infamous reality series ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’ . For those of you whom aren’t familiar with the premise of the show, it’s basically a real life soap opera centered around Atlanta’s music industry– the good, the bad, and the ratchet. The show’s main host of characters (and I use the term deliberately) are :

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Le Miror a deux faces….

So, why am I spending this weekend at home, when I should be out having fun? Well, I’ll let you know that as soon as I find the answer to that question myself. The thing is, I actually don’t mind spending my evenings at home, curled up with a nice book or watching one of my favorite movies on t.v.–just lazing away the day, like I’m doing right now as I’m writing this entry, which incidentally is the inspiration for this piece, along with other hang-ups that I’m currently suffering from. Anyhoo, what is this movie that has inspired me so? Well, it’s one of my all time favorites…’The Mirror Has Two Faces’, a romantic comedy directed by Barbra Streisand about a female college professor who falls in love with a fellow male professor who suggests they venture into a platonic marriage…

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